Structural Drive-in Rack


Ridg-U-Rak Structural Drive-In Pallet Rack is an extra high-strength rail that uses the same principle of high-density storage as regular drive-ins, but with upright columns produced from structural steel shapes. Unlike other structural racks, Ridg-U-Rak structural drive-ins can be equipped with any of the Ridg-U-Rak drive-in rail designs.
Increased Storage Density
Drive-In pallet rack systems are a cost-effective answer when high-density storage is a requirement. Ridg-U-Rak’s Drive-In Pallet Rack Systems store pallets on continuous rails with lift trucks entering the system to place and retrieve pallets. Fewer aisles are required, increasing storage density.
Drive-In racks typically have more impact damage, so the rack integrity and strength provided by Ridg-U-Rak structural drive-in pallet rack is an important factor to consider when choosing a storage rack.
Ridg-U-Rak’s structural drive-in pallet rack systems offer the same variety of rail styles as our other drive-in pallet rack options. Ridg-U-Rak can design a drive-in pallet rack system to fit any budget, loads or ceiling height limitations.
Space Saver Rail
The Ridg-U-Rak Space Saver roll-formed rail is the strongest rail on the market (based on laboratory testing) with unsurpassed load bearing capacity without deflection or torsional twist.
Ridg-U-Rail 2000
Ridg-U-Rail 2000 offers many design options to choose from. All are high-strength and durable and can be configured with Slant-bak frames at the aisle positions to reduce lift truck damage.
Features & Benefits:
·      Fewer aisles
·      Increased storage space
·      Depth of system virtually unlimited
·      High volume SKU storage
·      Freezer/Cooler storage
·      Storage of common-sized pallets
·      Seasonal items that move quickly out of inventory


Drive-In/Drive-Thru Pallet Rack


Increased Storage Density
Drive-In / Drive-Thru pallet rack systems are a cost-effective solution to high-density storage needs. Ridg-U-Rak’s Drive-In and Drive-Thru Pallet Rack Systems store product on continuous rails that allow lift trucks to enter the rack structure to place and retrieve pallets. Fewer aisles are required, thus increasing storage density by up to 75%.
Drive-In pallet rack uses a common entry/exit, while Drive-Thru rack has a separate entry and exit, needing two aisles and more space. Drive-In pallet rack systems are the highest density storage solution available. These “last-in, first-out storage systems are ideal for warehousing similar products on like-sized pallets, or for cooler and freezer applications.
Drive-In racks are typically subject to more abuse than selective racks due to the way they are utilized, so the rack integrity and strength provided by Ridg-U-Rak systems are important factors.
Ridg-U-Rak’s drive-in racks are available in a variety of rail styles including Space Saver roll-formed and Structural Angle Rail. These options allow us to design a drive-in rack system to fit any budget, loads or ceiling height limitations.


Space Saver Rail
The Ridg-U-Rak Space Saver roll-formed rail is the strongest rail on the market (based on laboratory testing) – far superior to any “look-alikes”, with unsurpassed load bearing capacity without deflection or torsional twist. Space Saver rail saves vertical space when height is critical.


Ridg-U-Rail 2000
Ridg-U-Rail 2000 offers many design options to choose from, including upright column sizes and material grades. All are high-strength and durable and can be configured with Slant-bak frames at the aisle positions to reduce lift truck damage.




Features & Benefits:
·      Fewer aisles
·      Increased storage space
·      Depth of system virtually unlimited


·      High volume SKU storage
·      Freezer/Cooler storage
·      Storage of common-sized pallets
·      Seasonal items that move quickly out of inventory